Wednesday 11 July 2012


Dear friends, just a little note on how you can be what you are meant to be. Whether you are faking it or not, you could realise it as your authentic possibility.

Practice is a continuous repetition of intentional action to realise your authentic possibilities. Your authentic possibilities express "who you are" and "what you are meant to do" in service to the land that we all share.
In simple terms, practice is doing something again and again until it becomes a habit.

To achieve this, you can apply the "formula of power of practice" which states that "what your soul receives, your mind conceives, and your heart believes, your body achieves through daily practice". In otherwords, daily practice is a master tool for building the life you are meant to live. Humans have got a conscious power to inhabit anything we choose.

You can accomplish anything in life by simply applying the following insights in anything you do. The insight of CHOICE, PURPOSE, INTERFERENCE, LEGACY, SYNERGY, SELF-CULTIVATION, PRESENCE, COMMITMENT, DETACHMENT, INNOCENCE, RESPONSIBILITY AND TRUST.
With these, you can grow anything in your life. Begin today and make it real.

Reference-The power of practice website